Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Awesomest Outing ever

End of exams mean the day we release a lot of pent up energy and let it all out! The best one so far was two years ago when India played the final of the T-20 world cup against Pakistan and the match was telecast in the auditorium. 2000 BITSians in the top of their voice, shouting and cheering each time India was ahead. It was an awesome day and to say that yesterday beat it comprehensively is an understatement.

15 Guys, right from the moment they left their rooms was out for just one thing, fun, enjoyment and anything that they felt like doing at that moment! The destination was a bar and restaurant in Bogmalo beach, the name is completely irrelevant, but on that day, the place became an extension centre of our campus, with students from every batch and every discipline (even ME students). I was slightly surprised when a bunch of first yearites turned up and sat there inspite of seeing many of their seniors in glory, but that, was late in the night.

We had barely stepped foot in there and our ex-vp started it off, as is expected of him since he has been our leader and the saviour of all those caught inebriated at the gate for the past one year (this time, he himself had taken anticipatory bail to enter the campus whatever be his state when he came back). What were we supposed to do but follow his lead! And follow we did and what followed was perhaps some of the awesomest moments ever.

We danced, smoked, boozed and there were emotional outbursts everywhere. There were shirts removed, people near tears, someone boasting about how much he had gulped down whereas most others did not bother to keep a count (simply because they were not able to!). Liquor was flowing at a rate I never imagined possible and BITSGians showed their true capacity that night! Neat shots of vodka, chains of smoke, dancing to the tunes of remixes, the sound and the sight of the sea. All that was perhaps one of the best ambiance you could ever get for a party and it was definitely fun. Subzero, Vigilante, Shark, Red Devil each had their own moments of glory as we fought, argued, pulled and tugged at each other and shouted and sang freely.

I suppose I must make my own confessions, about a bottle of beer and a cigarette. Yeah, I know, no big deal. Just stuff that I can pee out in minutes and something that's not going to have any effect on me! I hear from expert sources that it is going to take quite something to take me down, so lyt.

Drinks can be a great socializer and I have experienced it first hand now! It is fun to watch drunk people, some expressed sadness for not having celebrated Onam and also his deep love for everything Malayalam and Kerala. There were quite a few "hi"s and "how are you"s and "mallus rock" and "I luove Mallalam" and a lot of Malayalam obscenities being proudly used. Once they realised we were fourth yearites, there was a wave of respect and apologies since they thought they were misbehaving as they were high. Others played pool, swimming on the table whereas some choose to use their hands instead of the stick and the cue ball!

The first yearites were given some treatment, I wasn't around, but they were not messed up since our guys were too messed up for anything! By the end of it, VP and Chullan slept peacefully after throwing up. But rumour has it that juniors forgot to wake up one of their friends, another junior was caught at the gate by the campus security, but it was mission succesful for us fourth yearites! An evening of fun, enjoyment, firsts and serious nonsense! An extra year in campus does help I suppose!

The next morning was one of hangovers for some, time to reflect upon the lost opportunities so far since we wasted three years before we had this evening. I must end with "You not drinking is like someone who can be a ten-pointer, not wanting to be a ten-pointer because he does not care!". THAT WAS SERIOUSLY LOL RONNIE! Now for the most importaant component of all-THE MAN WHO MADE IT POSSIBLE! (PR)Obi Van Kanobi! An unassaming, unselfish fella who has got his doors open for everyone. He cracks GRE with a score of 1520 (OMFG), probably will bell the CAT too (Post compre treat also fixed!!). Thanks machuu! It was simply unbelievably imba and \m/!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Just a prelude

It was one of the funniest days of my life and fortunately for me, I had to make a fool of myself only once and that came very early in the day and so when I am writing this, it is far behind me. But that is where it all started and it was the last exam of Test-1, Electronic Devices and Integrated Circuits. The subject is pretty much the same as short form which I would not mention here as it can be considered explicit. It was not one of my better exams and I would like to stop with that.

The new season of "Big Bang Theory" started off with a bang unrivaled since the creation of the universe! Never thought that the lives of four geeks and a hot girl living next door could be the source of this much humour. Sheldon back to his indifference to human emotions, Leonard trying to cope up with Sheldon and mounting attempts to woo Penny and the Rajesh Ramayan Koothrapalli-Howard team providing extra laughs, with their "moment of bonding when the heat went out!". The season promises to be an exciting one and the fact that protagonists are scientists and and an engineer who cant really talk to to girls, makes it even more likeable!

Next came 'Coupling', a British sitcom suggested by my friends. This was really good with Geoff, a character who knows it all, who has a theory for every possible way a guy can behave infront of a girl, cannot do anything, simply because he freaks out owing to the " barrier!".

Desserts are best served last, but in this case, the dessert is an entire course in itself. This is just a prelude to one of the most funniest, strangest and awesome experience of my life so far! T1 was over, the last semester on campus for some of my friends, a recklessness that comes with being in the final year- all that meant that we decided to get out and.................................

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I cannot bear the pain,
Anymore I will be slain,
For nothing holds me here,
No one for whom I care.
Seen them all disappear,
My heart heavy with wear,
Ensnared by arrogance, fed by greed,
Throw away we did, all good deed.
Aware I was of the future coming,
Complacent I was and did nothing,
Never tried to stop, never I told,
Alone I am now, adrift in the cold.
Now I realise, the greatest sin
isn't ignorance, but inaction.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

End of the world

There are a few reasons I think the end of the world is near. Many are logical-

Global Warming-> accelarated by deforestation, growing number of vehicles, increased use of fossil fuels (2 thermal power plants are commissioned every 2 weeks in China alone)

Population Explosion-> religious leaders are calling for having more kids to increase their strengths. More pressure on resources like land, water, food, jobs etc. This will definitely lead to more conflicts. The next world war could well be fought for water

Diseases-> new diseases are appearing regularly, some cause more panic attacks than infections, but some could well be the next bubonic plague or flu epidemic of WW1. Viruses are evolving and bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics. Add to it viruses and bio-weapons being created for a new type of war.

Our lifestyle is simply not sustainable. We will run out of resources eventually, air and land and water will become too polluted for us and there will be NOTHING left.

Some other reasons are moral. I think human beings as a species have outlived their utility to this planet and it is time someone else took over. We have been blinded by consumerism and materialism and this is exploited by those in power to keep us docile while they satisfy their greed.

Selfishness and greed-> large corporations, in their effort to make huge profits turn a blind eye to the human cost. All they want to do is protect and serve their investors while they destroy the lives of entire communities or even countries. Nigeria is a case in point where the abundance of oil has destroyed the country. Almost all of Africa has a similar story of looting and plunder by foreigners while the indigenous people have suffered.

We have lost our sense of what is right and what is wrong. We are not able to make up our minds about what is good and what is bad.

lack of conscience-> we have become accustomed to violence and crime. We do not think twice about things that we should not be doing. We are no longer hurt by the suffering of others, we have lost our heart. We have achieved a machine like detachment from nature and hurting others does not seem a bad thing to do these days.

Support for mediocrity-> although excellence cannot be achieved always, glorifying mediocrity and dubbing those who do succeed as 'nerds' or 'uncool' or 'sad' fellows is something that must be avoided.

It does not have to be a killer asteroid or disease or war, but there is definitely going to be something that will cause the end of the world as we know it, end of a world dominated by humans.