Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Days of Our Lives

It is almost at an end for me, and for some, it is over for they have completed their exams and one of my friends exited the main academic building, looked up at the sun, looked back at the building and said good-bye. A momentous occasion, to exit the way you walked into this institution.Few of them have already left the campus and as one of them said 'we might make a million dollars, but we are never going to enjoy life the way we did here. Wake up in the morning and ask "which movie to watch today?". Life will never be the same'. So, a lot many of them are leaving and the batch for all practical purposes is dismantled as there are only few remnants scattered here and there in the form of us dualites and those returning next sem from PS-2.

A lot of my friends have packed, ready to leave. Some are going to miss this place, some will say 'yeah. whatever'. But in the bottom of their hearts, they will be saying 'God. If I could get back one day of my last 3 and a half years. How fast did they go by'. We have seen revolutions, we have seen empires brought down (maggi causing avk's downfall- no one saw that coming), we have seen radical changes from Atish's dominion to a fair deal now, from 11pm to 11.30 and now to total freedom for guys and 1230 for girls, night canteens. Our fests have grown, from an All-Goa Waves'07 to a national Waves Winter 09 with KK! From a Quark that barely had 50 out-station participants to TEDX-BITSGOA! From excuses of clubs to flag-bearers of our campus in Oasis-08!

Titan to Freedom and now back to Titan and Woodstock, from 2 sems of darkness in 07-08 to now relative reliability, a better football and cricket ground, to Futsal and Spree! It has been a wonderful journey and I consider myself fortunate to have taken part in this journey, to have helped in my own way in the fests and to have been a part of all that has happened.

I also feel sad and aggrieved, for we suffered terrible losses. Snehith, whose work still continues inspire us and a much more personal loss- George Kurien. We wish you were still here, telling me 'stop being sad or I will kick your balls and make them come out your ears'. You will stay in our hearts forever, every time we look back at campus life, we will remember the days when you ruled our hearts.

I thank my all mallus, right from 04 batch to the current freshers. Thank you for making my life here so wonderful, you were able, helpful, friendly seniors, terrific batch-mates and a bunch of extraordinary juniors. Batchmates. Going to miss you lot a**h**es. It has been wonderful, walking and singing on the road behind the workshop, all the outings and waiting for 5ers (rather a 5er) to finish his bath, all that faculty cursing and damning those who raised the average, relentless gaming and PJs (Okay! Okay- You gamed, I PJed n wikied! HAPPY?). Lolest Birthday Bumps to RIPing NOBODY on his first B'day in campus. All the bird-watching and DJnites and fests and futile attempts at academic glory- it was fun and the moments where some of the best in my life and not to forget, "Tharavadu", a piece of Malluland on the LAN and its mainchat and abuse and kicks and 'erangi poda ____e' and 'security' comments ;) . Thank you for the gossip sessions, thank you for the complaints and constant valips, thank you for the "Man Utd Sucks" and being ABUs, for each of our victory is just made even more sweeter by your sour face! And even among us, there were the geniuses and sweet personalities. Batch Topper in the form of Jayashree, a hardworker in Shankaran, dedicated Dipin and the ever pleasent Supriya (aaro arinjitta name) and a true GENIUS IN Prakash.

Thank you to- Jayashree and Supriya (Do not know your nicks and I rue the fact that I didn't get to know you over the years).
Adityan (Moonraker),Antony (subzero), Arif (emerald), Ashwin(Obi_Van_Kanobi), Jibin(Red_Devil), Joe(NOBODY), Nandu(aka Nandu :B), Rambha (Count_Rominoff), Shoman aka Dufai Somu aka George Somu (Geneva), Suhas (Punisher), Rejin (ryu) (thank you for sticking with me in First Sem), Vishnu aka Lovely_Rascal (I am gonna miss bugging you and getting bugged by you. Hope its the same for you too), Shankaran (Shark), Prakash ( EePuthiyaLokam), Dipin (Deadly_Dipsy).

Hope you have an awesome life, hope we too get to meet sometime and relive, reminisce and reconnect (connect to 10.3.12.....) our mallu corner and all that I mentioned above. All the best, you rock. Hats off to all of you. Will miss you all.

Do not be sad that it is over, be glad it happened!

PS-Too much senti is injurious to health

Friday, December 18, 2009

They Are Legends

Every once in a while, fate extends its hand to a select few in each sphere of life. It is not everyone who are fortunate enough to be given such a privilege. One must earn it through hardwork and dedication and talent too. Even amongst them, there are very few who grab that and use it to reach the pinnacle. We call them legends. Roger Federrer, Sachin Tendulkar, Madame Curie, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Frank Sinatra and the likes.

But to each success story, there are thousands of failures. Ones who lost their way, ones who lost it all due to a moment's hesitation, ones who lost it all because the going was just too tough for them and fell on the wayside to glory. There are ones who never really get a helping hand too, as the luck factor simply eludes them. There are ones who work all the way but hasnt got enough just to reach the top and the name of George Leigh Mallory and Robert Scott springs to my mind. Then there are people like Rosalind Franklin who were not recognised because of their sex or colour of skin or financial background. I read about an IAS aspirant from Kerala, coming from an extremely poor family being disqualified due to lack of physical fitness.

I am reminded of Dorando Pietri who ran an awesome race at the London 1908 Olympics Marathon. The marathon, originally ran for 42 kms, was extended a couple hundred meters to end at the royal box and to think that Pietri took 10 mins of his total time of 2h 54min 46s to cover the last 350 meters and fell down around 5 times. He was disqualified as he was helped up by umpires. Although he was given a Gilded Silver Cup by Queen Alexandra, an award proposed by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the heartbreak of being stripped off an Olympic Gold Medal will never be compensated. I remember Jan Ulrich whose worst finish in a Tour de France is 4th place and has got 5 2nd places finishes and one 3rd place, all against a certain Lance Armstrong. Unlike Armstrong, Ulrich competed in all the major races of the year, won an Olympic Gold Medal and also won the tour in 1997. A more consistent cyclist one can never find and yet all accomplishments pale in comparison with Lance Armstrongs comeback from Cancer and his tryst with the Yellow Jersey.

So, this is a tribute to them, to those who run the entire race but fall few feet short of the mark. This is to all those who work, work and work and get no results, this to those who swim upstream but the flow just keeps pushing them back. This is to those who tire against insurmountable odds, to those who commit themselves to a task only to find themselves failing due to the silliest of reasons. This is to all those who dream of making it big and try their best to get there, this is to all those who still keep going inspite of failures.

Courage is easy to embrace
when you are undisputed ace,
to keep going once falls darkness,
that measures your greatness.

They are the true legends. They are the ones who deserve respect and applause for they keep going even when there is no one to applaud for them, even appreciate their efforts.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Stepping Stone

The ground cumbling beneath my feet,
only lingering taste is defeat.
I have forgot how it was to win
can success ever come here on in.

My past that should have been,
and future that will never be seen,
mock me sitting side by side,
from a gloomy present I cannot hide.

Courage is easy to embrace
when you are undisputed ace,
to keep going once falls darkness,
that measures your greatness.

Each defeat, each fall is a boon,
from it, learn you must soon
for the world is turning fast
and there is no prize to finish last.