Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Trivandrum Lodge

Been trying to put finger to keyboard for sometime, but then after having written over twenty five thousand words, just as part of civil service exams, on paper makes one lose the free flow on typing to pour out my mind. I have backspaced atleast a dozen in these three lines and it has taken me well over 15minutes to consolidate what I had to say. But then, I am not sure about what I have to say? Today's movie? About the state of humanity? Corruption?

A movie review is long overdue and the movie that I saw today definitely deserves one not just due to the unreasonable incessant criticism it has faced from many quarters, but also because it is actually a good movie. The recent trend in Malayalam movies has been about adultery, women drinking, free exploration of sexuality and liberal references to swear words and kickstand jokes. This movie is not about that, it is not about a lot of adultery and then projecting it as the new reality or alternative.

This movie is about contrasts, it shows how different things can be, it shows how meaningless some relationships can be, how even some relations that can be frowned upon can have a meaning and also about tributes to some of the most wonderful and memorable characters in Malayalam cinema.

I would divide the relations in the movie into three- the first one involves just merely the physical act of love, lust and desire. It is about just the superficial aspects of it and about fulfilling one's basic needs and changing to suit situations. The characters of Dhwani, the one played by Devi Ajit, the one who gives others the false movie hopes etc fall into this category. This dominates the movie for more than forty percent of its duration. Then comes relations where people are actually good, but circumstances force them into difficult choices, seemingly shady and meaningless lives- in my opinion Abdu (Jayasurya), Kanyaka (Tesni Khan) and Thangal (Babu Nambudiri) portray such characters, the seemingly unholy partnership between Thangal and Kanyaka and the character that doesn't appear, but is actually an important part of the story- the original owner of Trivandrum Lodge, the mother of Ravishankar (Anoop Menon), too would fall in this category. This constitutes another twenty five percent of the movie.

By the time this sixty five percent of the movie was done, I had almost given up hope and felt this was one of those "new generation" stereotypes. But that is when the real purpose of the first sixty five percent became obvious- it is only as contrasts and backdrops for the real love stories- the one between Relton and Peggy Aunty, then the characters played by Bhavana and Anoop Menon, Anoop Menon and his son, this son and his young, innocent love with a classmate.

Perhaps this is the way everything is in life- there are those who do things just for the sake of it, some since they have no choice, some for the wrong reasons and with wrong priorities. But then there are some who do it for the right reasons, due to the right motivations and with the right intentions- a small minority.

The movie pays small tributes to one of the strangest, yet the most powerful driving force characters in one of Padmarajan's movies- Thangal from Thuvanathumbikal makes a brief cameo and is still in his old job. The portrayal of this character in both movies have been nothing short of exceptional and it does require skill to create such a character- acknowledged by borrowing the character full with references to the support received by Thangal in Trichur from Jayakrishnan.

Even the movie's title is meaningful not only because it brings together the characters or forms the backdrop, but it is actually a witness to all these relationships and the people tied together in it. The movie initially seems like a colossal waste of time, full of beeps and expletives and nothing even remotely resembling a story. But it takes on a new life when the story that makes sense of everything appears and gives us a glimpse of true love and if we can identify this play of contrasts and relations, then the movie becomes a truly enjoyable and meaningful one.

PS- If I sounded overly analytical or methodical, I put it down entirely to post civil service exam hangover.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Here's to the Craziest Others

This post is different from whatever I have done in the past and is about some of the maddest, whackiest people I know. Suits my current situation and has nothing to do with current affairs, politics or any of the numbing administration stuff.

Lets start with Vigilante aka Arjun Variar- you would know he is around from a mile away, not just due to the booming voice, but by a trail of smoke rising and people fleeing the area. Perhaps it is my madness that I became good friends with him during our Chemistry CDCs and as collegues and roomies in Hyderabad. One of the whackiest stories about him is this- P.V.Rao walks into his room on April 1st in our 3rd year as Anti was at his usual 'dota playing, keyboard on the lap, oblivious to even an atom bomb near his ass' mode. P.V.Rao also sees an X-Box360 in the room and goes on a tirade about bad effects of gaming and why it is bad for us. Anti then goes on to say that it is not just a gaming console but can be connected with networks and arranged together to form super-computers to perform highly complex calculations because it has a high processing power. He then goes on from there and leaves P.V.Rao flabbergasted to say the least.

This was Anti's version of events, you may choose to believe the story (I do) and that it did happen on April 1st, but then there is something you cannot deny. He told me this during April 2009, and later this news article appears http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-11168150 ... Machu _/\_

Shalini Lahiri- I do not know her well, but I know that she won Oasis single-handedly for BITS-Goa in 2008, was part of Quiz Club, LDC, BITS Herald brought out by DOJMA, DEPP and DOSM and a few others more I have definitely missed out. An extremely talented person, totally whacky and stories are still told about the legendary QotB (Quiz on the beach) she hosted in 2010(I missed it since I was in Bangalore) and she should be rocking in IIM-K now.

Karan Mehta- I really do not know where he is and what he is doing now. But he is the closest I have seen to a hippie. Apart from the punches he threw on Joe Sunny whenever they met or the attempts to hug and call me "Mallu Gunda" or the fact that you could see him walking along the hostel corridors at any time of the night, the designing he did for the Zephyr FashP in 08 was amazing.

Prakash Murali- Genius, bohemian and diogenes of sinope fan- he once said that 'Give me Idly and Sambhar and you shall make my day' or something of that sorts. He could be anything he wants to be- from a high paying software job to a researcher. Oh, wait a minute, he did refuse a job at Oracle and took up research at IIT-KGP after doing his PS at Chennai Mathematical Institute (he could have got PS at one of the high stipend stations too). He also ran the 'Fist of Rice' programme which collected and provided food for orphanages and old age homes in Goa over a year.

Varun M- Well, he is compared to Sheldon Cooper from BBT and that, I would say is a compliment in many ways. He is brilliant in his reasoning and analysis, knows the in and out of things that he is involved with, whether it be football or quizzing and this makes his analysis even more perfect. When I think about fact-value dichotomy in public administration, he pops up into my head! This is because-
Fact- Test-1 the day after crucible
Value- Doesn't really matter. Test-1 is more important
Fortunately, I was able to convince him otherwise or rather, his analysis somehow said that another fact (rivalry) existed and the rest, as they say, is history. But I would like to recount that history- along with my crazyness, it was his composure under the circumstances that saw us through in TCCQ-2011. It allowed me to be extra crazy and take risks and be on my own rather than try to contain myself. The National Finals at Taj Bombay too was fun in a very nerdy sort of way and it was a really good time.

Ajachi Chakraborty- I first knew him as 'the guy who did not qualify for the junior quiz, but kept shouting out the answers!!' He came to Bengaluru from Goa for two college quizzes (he did win another event and recovered costs I think), returned on the same night to Goa via Londa (had a drunk monk puke on him) to attend another quiz. He is also the discoverer of a restaurant in Chicalim that is now growing in popularity among BITSGians. I think he is also the first person from the quiz club to get a DISCO but more importantly, his shares on DC under the folders 'Do not let thy left hand know what thy right hand is doing' are remarkable due to its name alone and his own movie 'Whatsup' directed, edited, scripted, acted and shot by himself is a work of art rivalling Warhole. He is now working with Tehelka.

These are some of the maddest, whackiest, craziest people I know. Yes, it is biased- only mallus and quizzers, Karan Mehta being the only exception. But these are the people I know and I have met and it is not about the most brilliant or the brightest, but just people who are different and who are regularly called crazy or sometimes even mocked. But as Steve Jobs said, here's to the crazy ones and this post is about the craziest ones I have met.