Sunday, May 5, 2019

Don't be Hasty

My father used to say, "In Mumbai everyone's got a wheel on their legs". I realised it is true the moment I reached this place. Right from the rush to exit the aircraft to the daily rush to board the local train, people here are in a hurry. It is not a hurry to get things done because if it was, they would not have thrown themselves into even an empty compartment where it is certain that there are seats for everyone waiting to board. This is the rule by which the place functions and then it seeps into the mind- it percolates into everything that one does and the change is irreversible for most.

The mind too attaches itself to a wheel- while legs carry the body to the train, mind is busy calculating which platform to board the train, which compartment to board, when to jump on board and then what to play on the mobile. Added to this haste is the distraction offered by electronic gadgets, social media, television and the traditional yellow papers. I don't even have the patience to list out all the distractions and I don't even have the time to think, collect my thoughts and put them down here.

So, I am here, I need to put down what I have learned after coming here and I cannot get up before this is complete. I have kept other gadgets away from reach and my mind, hoping I can force my mind to reach a logical destination. I need to not let the haste of my body reach my mind and brush aside all which does not let me go at my pace. The time I have been here has taught me a few things and I am trying to put that together what I want for myself, what I see as right and what I can do.

The first lesson is that I need to learn- this could be about my work, how to deal with people, how the market functions, how my own organisation functions and its pitfalls and the grim reality of post-truth hyperbole, ineptitude and unwieldiness that is haunting my country. Learning is to be better at my job and life and the exposure that I have had once I came to Mumbai has enabled me to change myself for the good to some extent. There are a lot of things that I am yet to implement and I need to start very soon with that.

Next lesson is to wear a mask- this mask is to not let people know who you are, what you are thinking at any particular moment and to be unpredictable. It helps because the world is not fair and even if you go with the best of intentions, someone will deliberately hit you with a truck and trample you. This would help you as it hides where you are going and how you are going.

Although I have had the policy of not trusting anyone, it has not been a sacrosanct commandment of mine. I need to follow this at any cost. Everyone has their own selfish interest and opportunities are few- just grab it no matter what. I do not want to harm or deliberately tarnish anyone, but I will stand up for myself and everything that is important to me.

Then, have clear priorities. To me, job is not a pathway to salvation and it is only a way to pay the bills. I have seen what goes on and it is not in the best interest of my survival to meddle in things beyond my grade or commit myself to more than what my pay justifies. My life is for me and my family- job can only take whatever is left behind, it cannot have the best of me. In the mad rush to survive in the job, for better appraisal, for foreign postings or promotions, there are those who forget themselves. I have seen those who cannot stand their peers take even a single step more than themselves or reach parity. They want to be in the limelight, at the forefront and with a clear lead over others- I do not wish to run myself out of breath trying to beat others.

There are new challenges getting ready as I write this and it will take a lot more than what I have to overcome those. I hope I am up to those and handle them without haste, at my own pace and on my terms. It is not always possible, but there is not limit to hope.