Monday, May 12, 2008

Changes in me and the world

I would like to see a few changes in the world-
1)The way we treat our fellow human beings-Equality exists only in law books but not in practice.It is something that we must inculcate in our lives and practice.Treat all humans equally and with respect for their life, dignity, their rights and also their duties.
2)The way we treat the environment-Most of us have utter disregard for our environment.We Waste Electricity, water, fuel, food and destroy the environment.Ultimately, we will destroy ourselves too.Let us all strive to make a better world for our children to live in.Turn off the lights when you leave a room,don't keep the tap running unnecessarily.
3)The way we treat ourselves-We destroy the human nature in ourselves by chasing success and money.We become selfish and too much concerned about ourselves but we forget that there is no place for individual existence, but only in a society do we have a life.We are social beings and all efforts towards self-fulfillment without considering the society will destroy ourselves.

But I also believe in 'be the change you want to see in the world' and so I should try and change myself and I also hope everyone does give it a thought as we are not ourselves and this world any justice by our present attitude and behaviour

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