Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What are we doing to ourselves?

I am simply uphauled at the way we treat ourselves, how we go to any lenghts to achieve what we want without any regard for what impact our actions can have on others, on our world and even on ourselves. We forget that we are also humans and now we care not for our fellow beings, our world and are ignorant about what we are doing to ourselves. Greed, selfishness, lust and desire for more and more power is making monsters out of us. We are destroying ourselves, our world and thus trading our future for present pleasure and momentary satisfaction of our greed. We are never satisfied with what we have. Once we have a slight taste of these, we crave for more and it becomes an addiction. We either throw away our knowledge, wisdom and discretion and take up satisfaction of our excesses as our top priority or we simply dont have any wisdom from the beginning and the only way we know forward is to satisfy our excesses and crave for more and more and get whatever it is that we want, taking and getting it by doing whatever must be done and without any regard to what it might cost to the world.

We might be the dominant species on this planet, but we are acting as if we are the dumbest now as we are threatening our own existence and well being. We are thinking about only the present and we dont really concern ourselves about the future and what impact our actions have on it. I sometimes think about a dialogue in the movie 'The Matrix' when agent Smith interrogates Morpheus. He says that when he tried to classify humans, he found that we were more like viruses, those which used up all the resources in a particular area and then moved on to another place and used up everything there, finally, destroying the host and then moving on to another area. But for us, there is no another area. We have only one planet and we are destroying it. We are spreading hatred, violence and we cannot tolerate someone who practices another religion, someone who believes in different things. We value money above everything else and forget even ourselves in its pursuit. We forget how we treat our fellow beings, our world and how we treat ourselves. We turn to the devil inside us and let that rule our judgement and gradually drive out all that is good in us.

A little bit of patience, some kindness and honesty are the answers to all our worries and problems. These are not just words, these are not to be defined with the help of other words or their meanings to be understood from the dictionary; they are to be defined by practise, understood by experience and propogated through action. We also must abandon our egos and must try and understand or atleast know about the situation of people in this world so that we will realise how fortunate and thus will not forget how lucky we are which will enable us to throw away our greed and hunger for more than what we need.

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