Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Double Standards Abound

The whole world is obsessed with equality and human rights, advocated mainly by the west and agencies in Scandinavian countries do their own bit by writing damning reports about third world nations for the violation of human rights and the absence of freedom of expression and speech. An amnesty international report was severely critical of India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan for its apparent lack of respect of human rights. The report said that the new anti-terror laws passed in India and the retention in custody of over 70 people for more than 2 months without trial were uphauling, Serious cases of human rights considering that India is the only nation to have tough anti-terror laws whereas the Unites States have been providing 5-star accommodation to Afghanis and Iraqis in Gitmo and Abu Ghraib.

The violation of human rights in India is a serious matter and we do have our own agencies looking into the matter. More troubling are the matters in several other countries, but when the world's biggest muscle power provide mute permission to the worlds greatest human rights violation, no one can really do nothing about it. An entire population in the West Bank and Gaza are being exterminated by Israel while it is being watched by the international community. Israel is taking four times as much water as the Palestinians from a vital shared aquifer, Israelis use 240 cubic metres of water per person against 75 cubic metres for West Bank Palestinians and 125 for Gazans, and in some areas of West Bank, it is as low as 10-15cms per person according to the World bank (The Hindu, Friday May29, 2009-"Israel: 80 per cent of West Bank water for Israelis"). A wall has been built to protect Israelis from attacks across the border, but what this has only achieved is the siege of a small strip of land supporting thousands of people, who are simply going to die due to lack of basic resources.

Last Christmas saw some of the most horrifying attack on a group of helpless population by a nation that is growing fat from the cash inflow from the United States(Israel has long been the biggest beneficiary of US aid) which can simply trample upon its helpless neighbours with the ease of crushing a fly. Is not this a violation of basic human rights? May be this does not involve the violation of our freedom to speech, which I think is the only type of human rights violation that is considered by these international agencies, for they highlight cases in Burma, China, Iran etc with great emphasis.

The media also follow up, but all this is merely a cover-up of the actual violation basic rights that happen in the west. Discrimination on the basis of race still exists and immigrants are still looked down upon. Cuba still suffers from the US blockade, a remnant of the cold war era and one based only on ideological difference. Amnesty International was founded on a newspaper article that emphasised the quote "I detest yourviews, but am prepared to die for your right to express them." by Voltaire. There may be differences in our belief, religious, political or others, but you have the right to express them and also practice any belief or ideology and in the case of Cuba, communism the offending ideology. Isn’t that an internal matter and one that should be left to the island-nation's own decision?

A resolution was moved to investigate war crimes in the recent conflict that ended the LTTE reign of terror in Sri Lanka. All that happened was that a decisive government felt the moment was right to end a bloody struggle waged by an organisation that has left thousands dead, (not to mention a former Prime Minister of India) and also acted as the beginner and inspiration for the new mode of terrorism and insurgency that is threatening the entire world. The enthusiasm and interest shown must be appreciated, but what about what is happening Gitmo, Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan? Don’t they amount to any rights violations or require any investigation into war crimes?

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