Saturday, August 15, 2009

Our Downfall

If the world as we know comes to an end, reasons could be global warming, war or terrorism or economic meltdown. Whatever the name given, it all comes down to some of the simplest feelings that make us human: selfishness, greed, lust and jealousy. These are inalienable feelings and so one might argue that since these feelings are present in every one of us, the end of the world is bound to happen.

I think it does not have to be so, since the control of these feelings can lead to a happy life for all of us. If we are able to free ourselves from the clutches of these feelings to some measure, the world can survive. However, if we do not find it in us to overcome these feelings, we better brace ourselves, for the end of the world is much nearer than we think. We are in a world ridden by crises- poverty, hunger, conflicts- the root causes being our feeling of self and ego.

Some find it beneath themselves to use public transport, others build palatial houses to feel good and hear others praise and sing songs in their glory, many are busy making money as it has become the ultimate end for them rather than the means to live. Heads of state and executives fly around in private jets and limos whereas most of the population break their backs for 3 square meals a day. Religious leaders, blinded by their own version of teachings, instigate conflicts and declare war, killing thousands each year. It is a strange irony that faith was invented by man to hold himself up straight during times of struggle, but that has now become the main cause of conflict. We must also remember that no religion in this world propagates hate, rather all of them preach acceptance and tolerance.

Unless we learn :

to overcome our basic instincts and realise that we are all equals

to tolerate and accept each others right to live, faith and freedom and

to stop considering only ourselves, the world will end, and it will happen soon.

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