Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I cannot bear the pain,
Anymore I will be slain,
For nothing holds me here,
No one for whom I care.
Seen them all disappear,
My heart heavy with wear,
Ensnared by arrogance, fed by greed,
Throw away we did, all good deed.
Aware I was of the future coming,
Complacent I was and did nothing,
Never tried to stop, never I told,
Alone I am now, adrift in the cold.
Now I realise, the greatest sin
isn't ignorance, but inaction.


akv said...

you could follow a rhyming scheme ?? pro... _/\_ :P
I wonder how this will sound like if U2 or Metallica sings this (seriously :))
4/5 stars (:D)

Anand Shankar said...

wrote this during optimisation lecture last yr at back of a notebook..found dt buk only nw..

U2 n metallica ithiri koodi poi :B

Unknown said...

nice poem... yeah.. it rhymes spontaneously,nt as if u hv deliberately rhymed it...