Monday, October 25, 2010

All the world's a home, And all the men and women merely guests

Suppose you have a few guests over at your house, they stay for a couple of days and leave and once they leave, what you see is that they have slowly but completely messed up your home and left it in a condition unfit for habitation. This is exactly what is happening to our planet. We did not own anything in this planet, money and power are our creations and so is everything that we have acquired in this planet and we all must leave this planet once. But we, like the unpleasant guests, do as much damage as we can making this planet less suitable for habitation.

Long before humans arrived, this planet was alive and by the looks of it we will bring about its end. Is this right? What right do we have other than selfishness, greed and self-assumed power to destroy this world. Those who endanger this planet are those with asbolutely no morals, sacrificing planets survival for making it big until we can suck this planet dry. It is not going to be an alien invasion that raises the threat of annihilation, but our own actions. We are not enjoying the fruits of our efforts but the fruits born from seeds sown by our forefathers and so we have the moral obligation to preserve for our children what we inherited. If we cannot sow the seeds of prosperity and a better world for them, atleast lets not leave a barren wasteland filled with seeds of death for them.

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