Monday, April 11, 2011


It is everything, all determining and having been endowed or perhaps cursed with thought, we try to attach meanings to our insignificant lives. The knowledge can be quite numbing because whatever we do, we will all end, with nothing remaining of us, except perhaps memories carved in stone, words on paper and now, rearranged latches on digital circuits and plastic discs.

What is the purpose of all life? The simplest answer is actually applicable to all life, however complex it is- to perpetuate more life. A romantic or an optimist might say it is an attempt towards perfection and balance as species evolve and achieve better adaptations to survive, but even then it is about survival.

Philosophy and religion says it is about freeing oneself from the cycle of birth and death and reaching salvation and enlightenment. I do not know what it means apart from a few bits and pieces. We have all the knowledge in the universe because we are part of the universe, once we die, perhaps, it is just the cloth that is worn out which is discarded and we move on to something until we attain perfect knowledge and reach peace and salvation. If each individual is able to do that, only then will the world be free of conflicts and violence and misery. It is to each of us to be free, to be peaceful, to be happy.

All the institutions that we have created are destined to fail for they focus only on now, only in this world, nothing about what life is and its meaning. We are never free because our lives are built around these institutions, we are bound to this cycle of birth and death never knowing the true meaning of life and the universe.

This is not an attempt at escaping my inabilities or to show the path, but merely questions and doubts. If I knew the answer, would I be asking the question!

We live on short term goals, the next exam, the next appraisal, the next sports season, in my case now the next quiz, end of college and the uncertainty of a career and ambitions and life to follow. I am not afraid, but I do not see where it all goes and why it was all built for. Is there a purpose? I need answers, desperately, but even if I get the answers, will I be able to accept them.

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