Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Resilient Inspiration

Let me make something very clear, I do not like Winston Churchill and what he did to India and Indians- exporting food grains from India during the famine and holding on to India believing it was their right to plunder makes him a mere looter. But there is one thing that I must admit, he was bad news for India but he was exactly what Great Britain needed. I like a particular quote of his "Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never--in nothing, great or small, large or petty--never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy."

(for the entire speech -

If this is not inspiration, I do not know what is. He showed this works as an island was able to somehow survive the onslaught of a mad despot who simply walked his way across Europe, stood victorious infront of the Eiffel tower and also had his army reach the Kremlin. Churchill lead his nation at a time of crisis and brought out the power that words have in his war broadcasts and in speeches like these that kept up the spirits of the people and his policies during the time saved Britain and perhaps the world too. He also gave the "Sinews of Peace" ( speech which popularised the term "Iron Curtain" for that part of Europe under Soviet influence (

From personal experience too, I do admit I have very little of and from that itself I have found that never giving up is the best way to handle defeat. The novel 'Alchemist' was suggested to me by many, perhaps to inspire me to find my true calling but it taught me more about perseverance and resilience more than anything else. I hope I can keep trying until success is met for every journey that I embark upon


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good One !