Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Just 4 funnn

I just saw a programme on NDTV 24*7 where viewers where asked to vote on whether the Indian public is obsessed with fairnessof skin. The outcome was that 82% of the people felt that Indians are obsessed with fairness. The vote was inspired by the recent Tamil movie 'Shivaji' starring Rajinikanth, because in the movie, the hero's lover turns him down due to his dark complexion. I must confess that I too am attracted to fair colour rather than a dark one and I do think that most people would place complexion as one of the most important factors determining beauty. Being a teenager, it is all the more obvious for me because when a dark coloured girl passes by, I wouldnt care much about it, but when it is a fair skinned girl, I do try to have a second glance(no wrong intentions dear reader!). I do not know whether it is an obsession, but it is a fact that dark skinned people are much less preferred over fair skinned ones in marriage. The case is same regardless of whether it is about a girl or boy.
The programmes also raised an issue whether this bias extended to other fields too. For example, would you take someone more seriously or pay more attention to a fair skinned person rather than a darker person. As far as I am concerned, I have never made such a discrimination in my life, but that could be because I am not old enough for that. I do not know for certain the reasons, but I am sure that I do not care whether a person is dark or fair when I meet that person. But, when it comes to marriage, I wouldnt insist on a fair skinned girl. All I want is someone who doesnt look ugly and not too dark please! And one more thing, when i go out with friends or I am just walking along or travelling, I would try to have a second look at someone who is fair! But even dark ones with a good look is okay with unless it is too dark! This is when I realise when people say 'Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder'. Perhaps, it is because of the difference in the way people define, perceive and enjoy beauty. So all you not too dark, beautiful girls, e-mail me. We could meet up!!!!!Okay, that was NOT supposed to be SERIOUS..... (I am not someone who goes partying and likes to freak out. My greatest fun is when I am with my friends and just chatting with them on any topic from movies to college life and ofcourse GIRLzzz!)

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