Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Point of views...

If you ask ten people, why India lost in the world cup, you are definitely going to get 10 different answers and some ofthem might even be contradictory. One must accept these as different opinions of people coming from entirely different backgrounds, who think in completely different ways and have very little in common about them. It is important not to take only one opinion as correct and the others are wrong. But when it is a situation where only one opinion is correct,we must resolve the situation peacufully by discussion and mutual consultation.
In an argument, we must listen patiently and without bias to the opinions and come to a decision when only one opinion is correct but when there is no definite answer as could be said in the case of whether Technology is destroying more than it's creating or an opinion about a movie, the answer given by each person depends upon the frame of mind of each person and onthe way he/she thinks. Here, there is no definite answer and it is about this case that I would like to discuss. Let us take the example of a movie- one person says he liked an action movie which had great fight scenes enhanced by visual effects and graphic jugglery whereas another person says he liked a love story which he says had a human touch. To an outsider and a neutral person, these represent two individuals with different tastes which makes them like different things and so there is no definite answer to their argument. But there is a chance for a conflict between these two individuals and they would argue their cases agressively with neitherof them conceding an inch. If atleast one of them had the sense to understand what the neutral and unbiased spectator did,we can avoid a possible confrontation. We see these sort of opinion differences always in life- between boys and girls where each of them say they are better than the other or in who is the better actor or the best cricketer or which is the best team in world football or which religion is better. There is no point in arguing as none of the sides are going to admit what they say or believe is wrong. The argument can heat up and lead to violence which provides all the more reasons to resolve the issue amicably by either finding out who is right or by making them realise that both opinions hold because of the reasons that I have stated previously.
If those who do not have the ability or the broad mindedness and the wisdom to accept different views as that of different individuals come to the seat of power, then this could be a recipe for disaster as they might not agree with some other personin a similar position of power and this might lead to conflict and such a conflict between the powerful can have disastrous consequences. While working in a group, all the members will have their own opinions, viewpoints,suggestions and each individual will have his/her take on each issue. If atleast one of them is so stubborn and adamant as not to accept others and wants prime importance to his/her opinion, then the entire groups working can be affected.
For a healthy argument on all issues, we must be patient enough to listen to all the views, make honest criticisms, accept those that are correct and discard those not required. Beliefs, values and ideals are relative as each person defines themin his own way. It is this lack of understanding, acceptance and tolerance that leads to religious conflicts, sectarianviolence, insurgency and even terrorism. The inability of the Palestinian and Israeli government to drop all prejudices,listen to each other patiently and accept each other has lead to the loss of innumerable lives over the decades. The same lack of respect, tolerance, impatience and unwillingness to accept each other lies at the heart of the conflict between Ireland and Britain, between India and Pakistan and several other cases.
This world will have peace, stability and comprehensive development only when all its people, nations, religious groups and sects understand, accept, tolerate and bear with each other patiently leading to the realisation that all of them can co-exist in this world and settle their differences amicably without violence, abuse and the use of force.

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