Saturday, April 24, 2010

Proud to Plagiarise

I have a dream, a dream that one day my country will be ruled by a government for the people, by the people and of the people, not by a government for the rich, by the rich and of the rich. I have a dream that one day, this country will be able to balance the developmental aspirations of the rich as well as the livelihood necessities of the poor. I have a dream that a time will come when the rich help the poor overcome their condition and we will see a nation where there is no gap between the rich and poor.

I have a dream that this nation will appreciate an honest person's work and not just throw him out because of a small taint, but I also hope that they will not let men with completely tainted records lead this nation into darkness. I dream of a day when access to education is not restricted by money or caste, but is provided to those who deserve it.

I dream of a day when our country is green, clean and beautiful and everyone wants to maintian this beauty for future generations and not sacrifice it for the greed of a few.

I know that it is too much to ask for, I know it is Utopia that I am dreaming about, but we must dream for we must aim for the stars only then can we reach atleast the moon. I proudly plagiarise from Martin Luther King, for his dreams did become reality and I too hope against hope that the dream becomes reality.

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