Sunday, July 28, 2024


Whatever I have posted have been ramblings, but not exactly rants. Mind wanders, interesting thoughts come up and I put it up here only to give them a shape. But now, I am doing this to just vent, to release my frustration at how things are and hopefully, remove these thoughts from my mind.

In my young days, my mother and teacher said that whenever someone said something that I did not like or found uninteresting, I just turned my face away. They said that people found it offensive- it annoyed them and made them angry towards me. At that age, everyone could get angry at me since I was a helpless child whom teachers and adults could shout at. Being naive since I was not yet sullied by grim realities of live, I used to believe in peace and not arguing and so it got to be a point where I could not turn away, I could not respond and had to take all their garbage head on without any response. 

As I got older, and bigger I might add, I started responding. I was no longer the small kid anyone could bully. I started shouting back, I started responding back, I gave tit for tat replies, I showed my anger and was not hesitant to get people to be afraid of me and hence I did not have to turn my face away from them but could look them directly face to face and confront their hostility.

However, one day, my very wise boss in SBI told me that there is no point in getting into a fight with pigs- you will get dirty while the pig enjoys the dirt. So, even if you win the fight, you will get dirty. This was a new dynamic for me to be honest- the rules had changed since it was about who could play dirty and who could manipulate facts- basically the implications of a post-truth world.

If you can present a rosy picture about your own versions of the story- leave out certain parts that do not favour your argument or twist the words into meaning something else or just shake a lot of branches to disrupt the proceedings, then it is possible to win. I saw this the other as someone literally copy pasted select parts of a conversation and left out parts that completely discredited their argument- initial five minutes of a conversation and last five minutes of a conversation while the middle five minutes where not attached in the email while painting me in an arrogant, inconsiderate and selfish colour.

He got annoyed because I did not respect his mightiness and authority, which I hold are merely delusions of a megalomaniac who has little to vouch for in terms of real skills apart from show-off and shaking branches to rustle a few leaves in order to hide the fact he is incapable of plucking low-hanging fruits.

But these are the people who succeed in terms of career progression, wealth, respect and power. My tactic of entering into a shouting match will only lead to a fight where I get dirt on myself. The world also wants these super-agressive and boisterous types to lead the charge. Toxicity is encouraged and sought after. I am not going to stoop to that level.

I am now going to turn my face away- in contempt, neglect and scorn. This comes only from the fact I do not care about their position, power, authority and what they can do to me- it is called fearlessness. Worst they can do is throw me out whereas I have snubbed even stronger dictators and their cronies and just walked out with no idea where I was heading, but with my integrity and peace of mind intact.

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