Saturday, January 19, 2008

4 in da morning!!!

What am I doing posting a blog at 4 in the morning? It is not that I woke up early in the morning, it is just that I didnt sleep so far! Saturday is a working day at college, but my time table for this semester is quite strange since it has given me a week filled with classes but nothing and absolutely nothing on Saturdays. This means that when normal BITSGians have to sleep on a Saturday morning sacrificing their classes and feeling guilty about it(a guilt which lasts only until you realise that all lectures are useless and start bunking all of them), I can sleep in peace until hunger sets in and I'm are woken up by weird noises and search for the source of the noise reveals that it is but my own stomach that woke me up!

Enough about the circumstances, why am I doing it? Becasue I feel I have a thousand tales to tell, a thousand things to talk about and a thousand questions to ask. But as always when I want to talk, there is nobody around and this is the case whether it be 4 in the morning or 4 in the evening. So I do what I always do when there is no one to talk to, I talk to myself, a process that happens ever so often that I talk more to myself than any other person. Craziness you say? Read the title of the blogspot my friend! I haven't made a live post so far, meaning to say that I haven't wrote down something and posted in then and there. All my posts have been written down and checked be me and then posted. So if this one feels to be the worst of the lot or maybe the best, it is due to the aforementioned fact.

I tried calling a friend from school but didn't feel like saying anything so it ended abruptly
and so did another conversation. Maybe I have been trying to do too much, pretending to be something that I am not. I should better take a deep breath, get to sleep and wake up finding that everything is in order and all it needs to be made complete is for me to get up and get going. What am I typing, ah well, I suppose it is just unbounded words coming out as they are formed without any conscious effort to edit or hide anything.

Better get some sleep I suppose. I still want to talk, but I am tired of hearing myself talk and the hearing me is the one calling out for sleep and I follow his wish much to the anguish of that me which wishes to talk and discuss-discuss about anything in this world.

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