Tuesday, January 15, 2008


It’s been sometime since I posted something, a fact which I attribute to the complacency that crept in as I was in college and so I was busy with one thing or the other and was never in a situation to think and put these thoughts into words and give form to them, which is the purpose of my blog. Some of my friends visited my blog and a universal observation was (not that the entire universe reads my blog, I am referring to those who have gone through some part of it), some of the posts are too big and too serious to be read. Well, I started blogging to give an outlet to my feelings and to express my opinions about what I feel are important matters in this world. But I think I better give some attention to the readability of my posts and so, taking that into consideration, I am posting this one just for fun. A light post on what is full of topics that require some degree of social awareness to understand.

Finished my second year first semester at BITS and believe my when I say it was different from everything that I had gone through! My friends entered the enchanting realm of Blizzard Entertainment's World of Warcraft where they played virtual characters and it was addicting to such an extent that I was scared for them. They forgot to have food on quite a few occasions! Then came the power outage in college, the main problem lasted for 5 days and after that we ran on minimal power needs, and power was restored by the time of exams. The inter-hostel competitions 'Zephyr' had its fair share of controversies, moments and I consider this years Zephyr a near failure caused by the absence of over 30% of the students and the power problem and judges, who had absolutely no sense of what they were doing. There were certain “revelations” (!!!!!!) and some consensus on our opinions about the girls studying in our college which, if I mention here, might just be mistaken as my general opinion about women. But the truth is, I have no opinion whatsoever about women, and as far as the girls in my college are concerned, I can only say, I wouldn’t choose any of them to portray ‘The Indian woman’ or as role models for my daughter, if and when I have a daughter. This brings me to a discussion we friends had at college on whether we preferred a girl or boy child. No one had a second thought as everyone wanted a boy as the eldest child and maybe a girl later, just maybe. The reason being, we know how far a boy can go with his secrets and devious ways and boyish behavior ;-) since we have been through that and are still in that process!!!! But if it is a girl, we have absolutely no idea, and we also know what will be attitude of the boys of her age (not very decent or ‘friendly’ and I say that from personal experience!), then the worries and tensions, whether she has a boyfriend or whether she is dressing properly and a thousand other concerns!

I had started the semester with a determination to reach a GPA of 8 which would get me closer to a CGPA of 7. Well, I wasn’t realistic I suppose. I have this knack for staying rooted to my spot when I try my best to improve, but like all other previous occasions, I will most probably be a 6 pointer with almost the same GPA for all three semester, around the 6.3 mark! I end the sem, making a remark that I have made on two previous occasions. There is always the next sem! I can only hope that it goes differently. I do not go in for an analysis and listing of my marks which would be confusing to anyone from outside BITS who visits the blog spot (again, not that there are many who visit this, but I have to be optimistic!). I learned a lot about social skills and it has been the most informative period in my life, academically, and otherwise. Academic, because I received introduction to basic electronics, advanced knowledge on quantum chemistry, some amounts of higher mathematics and management. I also learned about attitudes, I have been able to better understand or atleast tried to understand a little bit about their behaviour, what each person is looking for and expecting out of what they do. Fruitful, also to my life's pursuit, since I was able to conduct, what everyone in the quiz club at college has praised to be, the best quiz in the sem. I have also got an opportunity to conduct the science and technology quiz during our college's national level Tech-Fest, christened Quark. It has been a good sem for me, except obviously for the academic part and as I mentioned, and there is ALWAYS (!!!) a NEXT SEM!

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