Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Casablanca-A Classic

Casablanca is a town in Morocco, but for me, it is far more significant as one of the greatest movies that I have ever seen and it is in this movie I saw the most beautiful woman I have seen-Ingrid Bergman. As one of my friends rightly pointed out, god doesn’t make those kind of women any more, the ones with sweet, haunting beauty, the feeling of which, lingers long after it’s gone. Its one of the sweetest and most memorable movies ever, with great dialogues, memorable settings and Humphrey Boggart was simply superb as the American Cafe owner in Casablanca. The music from Sam was utterly romantic and Victor Lazlo as the French rebel does justice to the role of a man who has realised his destiny and was willing to do and doing anything and everything in his power to fulfil that destiny. Sharp, witty dialogues, romantics scenes, painful love, all of which made me want to be loved in a way a man can be loved only by a woman. The movie has several memorable scenes which stay with you for a long time. The scene where Elsa asks Sam to sing the song 'As time goes by' and then Rick hears the song and is surprised, the scene when Rick sees the letter from her in the rain and the words fade and are deformed by the water drops, which symbolises love that is taken away and Rick is unable to do anything and he has to leave in the train since he has no other option. It’s not just the pain of lost love, but also the love that Elsa has for Lazzlo another sweet occasion is where Rick saves the young couple from Bulgaria by manipulating and providing money from his own cafe's roulette table and these are all examples of love, honesty and integrity at the times of difficulty, turmoil and conflict. There are just so many things that I like about the movie. The most memorable quote for me is 'Here's looking at you kid' and also 'of all the jinn joints in all towns in all the world, she walks into mine'.

Finally Rick realises his destiny when he does 'the thinking for all of them' as was requested by Elsa. He helps Lazlo escape with Elsa and decides to help the efforts against the Nazi rule in his own small ways and he begins by killing a German General who was trying to stop Lazlo from escaping from Casablanca. In the end, comes one of the best quotes from a movie' Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship'.

There is one special moment and that too comes at the end when he convinces Elsa to go and speaks to Lazlo about what had happened between them and tells him that she can not love him(Rick) anymore and her right place is with Lazlo and his(Rick's) place is at Casablanca. She asks him, 'What about us' and he replies, 'we will always have Paris' and that is one dialogue that means a lot in the movie. Those words contain the entire movie, its plot, what happens and how it ends.

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